DISCLAIMER: This blog was written early on in the COVID-19 crisis when very few cases had hit the United States, and before our government greatly mishandled it. The situation is far worse than it needed to be here, and some of this information no longer applies. You can't go 30 minutes without someone mentioning Coronavirus these days, as many people are preoccupied with fears of the virus's spread. I want to discuss how this impacts sessions with a Dominatrix, and share some facts to hopefully alleviate some of the panic that's being stirred up with false information.
First things first- If you know or suspect you are sick, let your Domme know. This should be business as usual because it's rude to expose someone to your germs solely so you don't have to postpone getting your desires fulfilled. Since We are self-employed, most Dominatrixes don't have health insurance. Those of Us who do still don't get paid time off work and some may have other health conditions that put Them at a higher risk for complications. Be considerate! I'm certain most of you are more concerned about your own health though, so let's move on to that. Let's talk about the likelihood that you would contract Coronavirus from seeing a Domme.
There are still relatively few cases of Coronavirus in the United States at this point. The risk of you catching it at all right now is extremely slim. Since Dominatrixes are self-employed, We usually don't have to work when We're sick. You have a higher chance of getting it from a co-worker or someone you interact with in the retail industry than you do from seeing a Domme. Dominatrixes typically use Cavicide, a medical grade cleaner, to disinfect BDSM equipment and furniture in the dungeon. Cavicide absolutely kills Coronavirus- it's actually a very fragile virus and very easy to kill with cleaners and disinfectants. This virus is also primarily spread from person to person, though it is probably somewhat possible to contract it from a surface. Source Again, the risk here is extremely low. Feel free to ask your Domme about Their cleaning procedures if you are really concerned but you won't be getting Coronavirus from any BDSM equipment I use. We also tend to be clean freaks and most of Us are hyperaware of bodily fluids and best practices to avoid exposing Ourselves to risk. We wear gloves most of the time, and aren't going to be touching Our faces or exposing you to any additional risk because We are focused on protecting Ourselves- and you. So really, even if your Domme *did* have Coronavirus and didn't know it, They would have to cough or sneeze without covering Their face in order to transmit it to you.
Getting the picture? Seeing a Dominatrix is a very low risk activity.
Now I just want to share some facts:
Coronavirus is not any more dangerous than the flu for otherwise healthy people. If you aren't immunocompromised or elderly, your risk of death is low. The mortality rate is higher for Coronavirus than the flu but there are a few reasons for this.
The mortality rate (percentage of people who die as a direct result of Coronavirus out of everyone diagnosed) in Wuhan (China) was initially significantly higher, but as more awareness of the disease & it's symptoms is raised, more people without serious complications are being diagnosed/counted. Therefore the mortality rate is continually dropping. Source
In the US, we are used to flu season. We prepare by getting vaccinated (which reduces the severity of the flu in people who still contract it despite vaccination) and we know how to treat the symptoms. People with existing health conditions take extra care during flu season to avoid contracting it. People in Wuhan were not able to prepare or take these precautions because Coronavirus was a surprise. This contributed to it's spread and to the mortality rate.
In addition, the mortality rate in China can't just be transferred to any place the illness spreads. Different cirumstances lead to different mortality rates. Testing locations in the US are multiplying ahead of any significant spread of the illness here, and doctors understand how to treat it better than they did at the onset of the outbreak in Wuhan. It is being estimated that the mortality rate when it actually spreads significantly in the US will be between 0.1 and 1.0 - on par with the flu. Source
The last fact I want to share is that ASIAN PEOPLE ARE NOT MORE LIKELY TO HAVE OR SPREAD CORONAVIRUS. There is absolutely zero reason to avoid seeing your Asian Domme because of fear about this illness. You're just being racist. Cut it out. Source
In short- wash your hands, reschedule if you are sick, and otherwise carry on as usual with your depravity.